Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New Belly Pics

Well, we are getting very close to having our baby boy on the outside! Only 9ish weeks to go. Here are some new pictures of the belly. I'm going to switch it up and put the most recent picture at the top. We have also done some traveling recently so I'll let you know where we are for each picture.

30 weeks in Memphis, TN
(As you can see, I have pretty much given up on makeup when I'm not at work)

29 weeks in Orlando, FL
(you can't really see it but there's a really nice pool behind me)

28 weeks at home

Sunday, May 3, 2009

New Belly Pics and Nursery Update

First of all, here are the newest belly pics! It's getting bigger and bigger every day. I went to a craft show this weekend and some guy that was working there asked if I only had 3 weeks left. I just kind of laughed and said, "No, 3 months." Then he got this look of shock on his face and said I must be having twins and when I said no he said "Well, it must be a really big boy!" Then he proceeded to tell me how miserable I am going to be by the end. I love how people feel the need to tell you exactly what they think when you're pregnant.

Week 25

Week 26

Week 27

We also got the OK from our landlord to paint the baby's room this week! So, we went to Home Depot and picked out a color. I tried to find the exact match online so I could show everyone but this is the closest thing I can find. It's a very pale blue/grey color. Sort of like this: