Sunday, June 21, 2009

I love being crafty!

Since we don't really have many decorations for Gareth's room, I decided I wanted to make something to put above his crib on the wall. At first, I thought I would do letters to spell his name and paint them in fun colors. But then I realized that EVERYONE that is having a baby right now is doing letters. So, I found a cute idea that still uses his name but is a little more original. The final product will look similar to this. But I am doing a 12"x12" size and I'm using circles. I had to order the shadowbox frame for it because I couldn't find it in the store so I am slowly assembling all the pieces and I will put the all together when the frame arrives. Here's what I have so far....

These are some of the dots I am going to use. Most of them will be plain blue or plain polka dotted (like the one in the corner of the picture) but I wanted to incorporate the puppy theme into this a little bit.

This is the background with Gareth's name. It's hard to tell here but the paper is a little shimmery and so are the letters (but not too much).

Just an update on me and the baby, I think I have officially begun the nesting stage and I usually hate to clean but everything in our house right now is grossing me out so I've been cleaning and organizing a ton. According to our childbirth class, nesting means delivery is right around the corner. Hopefully, it's not too close around that corner because we still have a lot to do before Gareth makes an appearance! 6 more weeks to go! I also just realized that we forgot to take a belly picture for the week yesterday. So I guess that means I will be putting on makeup and putting real clothes on later for that picture. I'll post it when we have it.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I love it when a plan comes together. Or: A plan is just a list of things that will go wrong.

Hello blog people. We got our crib in today. We took the VW to Babies R Us in Falls Church because I thought to myself, "How big can this thing be really?" Well apparently the boxes they put these things in are about 40% bigger than the biggest piece of the crib because there was no chance that it was going in the VW. Before we even left our friend Kelly offered to loan us their truck. I said "NAH- It'll fit no problem."

So after leaving Falls Church crib-less with our tails between our legs our wonderful neighbors let me take their truck all the way back up 395 to pick up the crib. Apparently these "trucks" are meant for putting large objects in and driving around with them. Who knew?

This was the most traumatic part of the whole process. Once I got the crib in the front door it was just a matter of opening the box and taken the pieces upstairs to Gareth's room. This was probably the easiest thing i've ever assembled out of a box.

Anyhow, the room is almost finished now. Enjoy the pictures!

This will count as this weeks belly picture unless she-who rules me says otherwise.

(P.S. the USA Men's Soccer Team is competing in the Confederations Cup in South Africa this week. They kick off against the defending world Champions Italy on monday around 3pm EST on ESPN. You all should watch it since I know none of you has anything better to do. =P)

(P.P.S. Rachel and I both sold out and signed up for twitter accounts you can follow me @Justinsaysthis and rachel @rbrightbill. I plan on tweeting from the delivery room. I may lose a cell phone and an arm, but anything in the name of social media!)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Nursery Progress and New Belly Pics

Since Gareth's arrival is less than 2 months away, we decided that maybe we should start on the nursery. So, last weekend, we painted the room.....OK, Justin painted the room. I did help the first day, mostly sitting on the floor and painting the bottom half of the walls. But the second day, I was waaaaaay to sore to help. Here's what we've got so far....

This is the before shot. Just white walls.

Justin happily painting.

Accident, or not? You decide.

Princess Zoe sulking because she was not allowed in the room while we were painting. Her revenge was to lay on the newly cleaned comforter that was drying out on the couch.

1st coat is finished!

Justin finished the second coat the next day and it looks awesome! But we haven't taken any pictures of it yet. Now, we are just waiting for the call from the store telling us our crib is ready to be picked up and we can set things up!!

And last but not least, here are the 31 and 32 week belly shots. I feel like I am getting HUGE but everyone that I know that's been pregnant before keeps telling me how small I am and I'm OK with that.

31 Weeks

32 Weeks