So, for those of you who don't know, we moved to Maryland a few weeks ago. So far, I really like our house, the location is awesome and I get to work from home a few days a week. We are still unpacking boxes but so far, so good. Zoe really likes her new backyard and we finally finished Gareth's room (it was hideous before we painted it....maybe some day I will post pictures...think pink, purple AND blue w/purple baseboards...HORRIBLE!). We are still figuring out our neighborhood and haven't ventured to Baltimore yet but hopefully we will soon.
Not related to moving, Gareth has decided that it's cool to eat real food instead of the mashed up version. He still eats his baby food but he really enjoys feeding himself. He has also decided that he might like to start walking (still doesn't crawl) he just needs to figure out how to pull himself up to standing. So far, if we stand him up, he can hold on to the couch and move around a little.
And finally, I really need to get myself together and start posting more on this blog. I promise I will do it one day.